Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 2 Daniel Fast- The Power of Sugar

We'll Good Morning All! As the day 1 closed; I began to battle the voice of "doubt" in my head. "Really- 21 days?". "What were you thinking?" "This is impossible." You recognize that voice? My excitement started to drizzle while I watched my son eat his chicken tenders for dinner and I kept dreaming of a piece of chocolate cake dancing in my head.

 2:57am in the morning I wake up with my stomach telling me "Just make yourself a sandwhich and calm this rattling" Anxiety started to creep in along with fear. I couldn't let them invade me. I heard a voice inside me say; even louder say, "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO RESCUES ME" Rescue?

The original scripture is " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Phillippians 4: 13

I felt rescued with the voice of the Holy Spirit reminding me that I am capable of doing anything as long as I remain focused on him. Just yesterday; I had a conversation with my sister on "discerning the voice of God" Yesterday, I spoke on remaining focus and keeping the distractions out of the way of your path. There isn't one individual on this earth that will not come across distractions. But, the power that lies in you; must remain focused. It was confirmation while these voices began to battle in my mind that the only voice I was concerned was the one reminding me of where I came from.

"Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:" -Phillipians 4: 18

I couldn't help think about what goes on with other individuals' NEED versus WANTS. Last night I felt I needed some sugar to calm me because, as a routine after dinner I have trained my mind that chocolate is the answer! But, I woke up just fine this morning, Im breathing. Therefore, there wasn't much of a NEED there. It was a WANT. Instead of chocolate, a sweet orange satisfied the sweet tooth and a prayer to be content pushed me through the night.

"For with God NOTHING will be Impossible" - Luke 1: 37

The reason for this fast for me is to discipline my mind. I have to remind myself where I am going by remembering where I came from. Sometimes we drown ourselves to what lies ahead; forgetting that what you have learned in the past only strengthens you for the task ahead. Everyone have a great day! Stay tuned for upcoming discussions on the Power of natural vitamins and minerals! Coming Soon!

Day 1-
Breakfast: bowl of cream of wheat, topped with strawberries, blueberries
Snack: sliced apples, corn tortilla chips, with a chunky salsa
Lunch: garden salad, lemon water
Snack: cashew, sesame, dried cranberry trial mix
Dinner: roasted garlic with corn meal with cabbage, red pepper, green pepper, ginger stir fry
Snack: mini seedless clementine, corn tortilla chips

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